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Beyond Mining: The Future of Alien Worlds Gaming

The Alien Worlds mining game has etched its name in history as one of the most successful ventures in web3 gaming. With over 9.5m active wallets, more than 10 billion transactions, and more than 23 millions of NFTs minted, the mining game has set a new standard for engagement and innovation.

New Opportunities for Game Developers

While the mining game has been a monumental success, The Alien Worlds Metaverse extends far beyond it. We're committed to fostering new and exciting games within the Alien Worlds ecosystem. To achieve this, we aim to support game developers in the same ways as the mining game, directing flows of Trilium (TLM) to them and their players. This initiative is designed to attract talented game studios and developers and provide them with predictable sustainability as they build out their creations.

Trilium Flow for Game Sustainability and Competitions

The flow of Trilium to new games will take two forms*:

  1. Sustainability: To help provide longevity and smooth operation of these games, 20,000 Trilium will be allocated every 14 days. Only active projects listed in the Alien Worlds Arena will be eligible for this support. We may offer higher levels of support to games in exchange for achieving pre-defined milestones.

  2. Competition Rewards: To spark excitement and engagement, Trilium will be distributed as rewards for game competitions. This allocation will be handled through a special-purpose smart contract dedicated to tournaments, ensuring that players are directly rewarded for their participation and achievements.

Both forms of Trilium flow will be overseen by the Galactic Hubs grant team through a review process, ensuring that Trilium is used effectively and contributes to the growth of the metaverse.

*It is important to note that these new flows of Trilium do not represent an increase in token issuance or the rate of emittance. Instead, they are sourced from the existing wallet address sat.worlds.

Join the Discussion: Round-Table on Twitter

To provide more insights and answer any questions you might have, members of the Dacoco team will be hosting a round-table discussion Wednesday June 19th at 6.30pm UTC on Twitter. This is an opportunity for Custodians and community members alike to engage directly with the team and learn more about these new opportunities.

The Vision for Growth

Our ultimate goal is to stimulate growth, attract and retain valuable contributors, and enable decentralized expansion of Alien Worlds IP and lore. By supporting new games and their developers, we aim to enrich the Alien Worlds metaverse, making it a more vibrant destination for all.

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Alien Worlds offers a truly unique decentralized platform where players are more than mere participants; they're active stakeholders influencing both the present and future of the game. Whether you aim to create services, tools, games, or other platforms, the community stands ready to embrace and utilize them. Developers, you can access our API toolkit here. Innovators, breathe life into your project by applying for a Galactic Hubs grant today. Leaders, step into the Planetary Syndicates and propel your ideas to the forefront of the community. If you need assistance with any of these endeavors, please visit our official Discord or Telegram channels.