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_Celebrating Innovation: A Recap of Alien Worlds’ First Community-Run Hackathon

Alien Worlds has etched a landmark in its journey toward a decentralized metaverse with the successful conclusion of its first community-run hackathon. It was a festival of innovation, with a total of 30 projects presented across both tracks and 11 inventive submissions specifically dedicated to the API track. The enthusiasm was palpable, with the community coming together to weave new technologies into the fabric of the Alien Worlds metaverse.

The hackathon took off on a high note with a roundtable featuring the Alien Worlds founders, who discussed their hopes for the hackathon and offered their perspectives on the path towards a decentralized future. Dallas Johnson, Head Engineer, introduced the Alien Worlds APIs and, alongside Radoslaw Kamysz and Volodymyr Litvak, guided participants through their potential applications in an informative Q&A session.

The AI Chat Bot and the MSIG Chat stand out for their ingenuity and alignment with the hackathon's decentralization theme. Designed to integrate seamlessly with Discord, the Chat Bot provides an interactive AI-driven experience. This bot aims to engage the community through intelligent conversation, serving both as a virtual guide to the metaverse and as an assistant to facilitate gameplay by providing real-time on-chain data and insights.

Meanwhile, the MSIG Chat addressed the necessity for efficient communication among Planetary Custodians. It offers a web chat platform for Custodians to interact, casting a light on the importance of interaction and collective decision-making. By streamlining the conversation process, MSIG Chat highlighted the potential for improved governance and collaborative efforts within the ecosystem.

The hackathon's API track saw an exciting distribution of rewards, with a prize pool of 1 million Trilium sponsored by Galactic Hubs to honor the innovative solutions and ideas that participants brought to the table.

The first community-run hackathon for Alien Worlds was not just an event but a stepping stone towards a collaborative and decentralized future. It was a testament to the community's ability to drive innovation and create impactful solutions that resonate with the ethos of the metaverse. The hackathon's success has likely set the stage for more such collaborative endeavors, paving the way towards more community-led innovation within the Alien Worlds ecosystem.


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We greatly appreciate our community members and grantees’ significant contributions to the growth of the Alien Worlds Metaverse. We are shaping the future of Alien Worlds.