Over the last two Outpost Seasons we have witnessed outstanding community engagement, with over 18 million User Points being redeemed for a diverse range of the available NFTs. This Season we’re taking a break from the regular Specials to give our diligent User Point miners an opportunity to recuperate, and instead we’ll be focusing on educating our wonderful community on various facets of NFT lore.
That’s not a cue to rest on your laurels though Explorers; we urge you to keep accumulating those User Points for the future, as we’ve got plenty in store for upcoming Outpost Seasons. Speaking of which, the recent release of the Alien Worlds Community endeavour , has introduced a new method of accumulating User Points via the questing system. Head on over to MineQuest HQ for further details, and the opportunity to enjoy Alien Worlds in 3D!
Outpost Season 13 has a variety of NFTs up for redemption, including a selection of Avatars, Minions, Tools and Weapons. We will also be hosting another Drill Days event at the end of the Season, and you will be pleased to know that the resolution between the Shovellers’ Union and the Standard Drill Company is holding up well, meaning that Standard Drill User Point requirements are remaining stable. Without further ado — and for those Explorers who like a good read — here are some lore summaries for a selection of the Tools available this Season.
We encourage you to regularly check our comms channels for more excerpts of metaversal lore throughout the Season!