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Onboarding 2.6.0

_Player Experience Improvements 2.6.0 Onboarding

The focal point of release 2.6.0 is to refine the new user experience by introducing design improvements and a new onboarding interface.


New Cloud Wallet Integration - To improve onboarding, new Explorers will be redirected to a page where they can set up a Cloud Wallet.

Updated Login Flow - First-time Explorers will find that the onboarding process has been revamped. The new layout is shown in the image below and proceeds as follows:

  1. Users click 'Start Now'.
  2. A 'Welcome Back' cloud wallet popup appears on the screen where users can sign in to their cloud wallet.
  3. Explorers gain entry to the site.

Login via Telegram/Discord - Users can now join our official Discord or Telegram group straight from the login screen.

Cloud Wallet Welcome Back

Updated Main Page - The 'Getting Started' page has received a refreshing update.

Welcome to Alien Worlds

Cloud Wallet Sign Up - Explorers can now register for a new cloud wallet account directly within the popup.

Email Signup - New and existing Explorers now have the option to receive product updates via email.

New Terms & Conditions and Avatar Selection page - The page aesthetics have been upgraded, and the layout improved, making Avatar selection and agreeing to the Terms of Service easier for new Explorers.

Set up Character

Our team is constantly working on new features and improvements. Stay tuned to our blog for future product release updates.

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