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Winter Warmers: Outpost Season 19

The end of the year is upon us once more, and what a year it has been for the Outpost! To celebrate our successes Season 19 brings a month-long series of Winter Warmers, culminating towards the end of December in a three-day rapid fire reductions event - but first let’s take a brief look at a couple of major milestones that occurred this year:

Season 11: All Tooled Up


As many of you will remember, April saw the advent of the Federation’s new orbital trilium-detecting sensory networks for all six frontier planets, with rarer tools being able to tap into more comprehensive land scan data and consequently increase their Trilium yield per mining action. This was a resounding success, and from then until now the sensory data has been dialed in to ensure that Explorers are truly getting the most out of their rarest and most precious tools. To celebrate, the Outpost had a month of limited time specials on Tools that saw Explorers Fuse over 18 million of their hard-earned Shards into over 900 Tools.

Season 16: The Emergence Series


In a surprise mid-season interruption the new Emergence series of NFTs made its debut, showcasing fantastic new artwork, card borders, shine animations - and in particular a more tangible attribute progression through shine levels. The first set of Emergence NFTs was a selection of Tools ranging from Common thru Legendary, and the community was so excited to snag some and work them into their existing mining rigs - or build entirely new ones - that over two thousand were Fused during the initial time that they were available!

This Season also saw our new Outpost unveiled with significant upgrades to the NFT generation process, and a better understanding of what miners accumulate when they perform mining actions using tools with a “Luck” attribute. In brief, Tools with positive “Luck” are capable of extracting additional useful materials during the mining process; what we refer to as Shards. Once an Explorer has gathered enough Shards, they can then visit the Outpost and Fuse them into a new NFT in our specialized construction chamber.

Celebrating our Success

Throughout the year the Outpost has been visited by Explorers from all over the Galaxy in search of new Avatars, Minions, Weapons & Tools for their collections. Whilst we’re looking forward to an even better year ahead, we would also like to show our appreciation to the staunch interstellar community that has continued to explore and mine the frontier planets, send out ships on daring Missions, wage friendly wars in the community-created Battledome, and keep our comms channels lively. As such, December’s Winter Warmers should help ward off the chill and give you a great reason to dip into your Shard reserves to take advantage of some special Fusion rates!

From Dec 1st (00:00:00 UTC) - Dec 23rd (23:59:59 UTC): Warmers

75% reduced Shard requirement a selection of Weapons from Common to Epic

From Dec 24th (00:00:00 UTC) - Dec 26th (23:59:59 UTC): Rapid-Fire Round!

50% reduced Shard requirement for all Tools (Emergence series included!) with 3-hour windows as follows:

Shiny Explosive(1).png

From Dec 27th (00:00:00 UTC) - Dec 31st (23:59:59 UTC): Warmers

75% reduced Shard requirement on the remainder of available Weapons, and all Avatars & Minions.

As you can see, sandwiched between our Winter Warmers is a rapid-fire round with all Tools - including the new Emergence series ones - being made available with a gargantuan reduction of 50% reduced Fusion rate. These sizzlers are likely to render our Fusion Chamber too hot to handle if we leave them running for very long, so we’ve limited each Tool to its own 3-hour window. Check out the timetable above and set your alarm clocks ready to Fuse your favourite(s)!

Here’s to a fantastic year just passed; thanks for being with us on our metaversal journey. We would like to ask that you share your Outpost feedback and hopes for the year to come with us on our Telegram channel!