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_Arena Stipend Update: Funding Games, Tools, and Applications

The Alien Worlds Arena continues to provide community game developers with the support they need to thrive by offering stipends to those who bring value and innovation to the metaverse. Managed through the Arena.Worlds smart contract, the Arena Stipend program has successfully distributed 520,000 Trilium since going live on June 13th, ensuring that developers who contribute meaningfully to the ecosystem are rewarded.

As of September 11th, eight developers have been onboarded, with 20,000 Trilium available every 14 days for each participating project. The most claimed by a single developer so far is 140,000 Trilium, highlighting the strong engagement of game creators in the Arena. Among the current recipients are notable projects like Mission Control, Kavian.World, Alien Avatars, Battlefleet Armageddon, and Milky Way Miner, with NOVO WAR and recently added to the list, awaiting their first stipends.

Since the launch of the Arena, the program has successfully empowered developers to build and expand their projects within the Alien Worlds metaverse. As stated in a previous article, “Games that make their way into our metaverse benefit from official recognition by being listed in the Alien Worlds ‘Arena’ — the official portal for games within Alien Worlds. Being featured in the Arena comes with access to a reserved pool of Trilium stipends, designed to support games listed on the platform.”

The Arena program incentivizes developers to maintain and enhance their presence, offering visibility and recognition, along with the financial backing to continue evolving. With more updates and new developers to be onboarded soon, the Arena continues to expand the Alien Worlds ecosystem.

If you’re interested in joining the Arena, your game must be live and use Alien Worlds assets, with prior authorization through the Alien Worlds IP Agreement. For any inquiries regarding the Arena, please reach out to Evan Dean, Ecosystem Development Manager, at [email protected].